Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bloodfever By Karen Marie Moning

Book Description: I used to think my sister and I were just two nice southern girls who'd get married in a few years and settle down to a quite life. Then I discovered that Alina and I descend, not from an ancient Celtic bloodline of powerful sidhe-seers, people who can see the Fae. Not only can I see the terrifying otherworldly race, but I can sense the sacred Fae relics that hold the deadliest of their magic. When my sister was found dead in a trash-filled alley in Dublin, I came over to get answers. Now all I want is revenge. And after everything I've learned about myself, I know I have the power to get it...

D-red"paranormal reader.
This was a great read did not want to put the book down until finished. Mac seems to be maturing and not as spoiled. She actually ate pieces from the body of dark fae.
I think this book was better than the 1st one and am looking forward to the 3 one.

I. Daco "RomanceReader"
I can honestly say that this was even better than the first...and thats saying a lot since the first one has made me salivate for this second book! Mac and Barrons are explosive together. I'm really HOPING that they do end up together because they sure make me tingle. As for the storyline there is definitely MORE now. The first book left me with a multitude of questions..I'm not saying it'll be answered in this book (obviously since there are other books in the works) but we definitely see an unraveling here! I started reading at 4PM and 3 hours later I've devoured the whole book! I practically whimpered when it ended. I can't believe I have to wait so long for the next installment!

J. Sommerville "avid spender"
So I just finished the book last night - finished it in about 8 hours. In my review of Darkfever, I stated that Mac had a lot of growing up to do; she was much to `spoiled valley-girl like for me. I couldn't identify with her, I really didn't like her or feel much empathy for what was happening to her. However, I told myself to wait and see how/if Mac changes in this book, and let that determine if I will continue reading this series. Well, KMM has pulled it off, and Mac's character has definitely grown, and developed to the point that I really truly like her now. She has become more serious and spunky. She's thinking for herself, and not letting anyone walk all over her. She's matured from the 22 y/o manicure-obsessed brat she came across as in DF. In this stage of the story, KMM has added more characters, thrown in some interesting twists, and developed just a bit more of the relationship with Mac, Barrons and V'lane, and there could be a third love interest that KMM introduces. Mac can't trust anyone because there are no clear motives and everyone's in the game for their own reasons. But Mac's motives don't appear to be entirely pure either. I wonder what Mac really plans on doing with the Sinsar Dubh, if she manages to get her hands on it? KMM has tied up very few loose ends, and has created even more. She hasn't resolved any of the issues brought up in DF, and created more. This is exactly what I look for in a series - if all the questions are answered too early, why bother to continue reading? Anyone expecting resolutions will be disappointed. For those looking for a bit of the romance between Mac and Barrons, there are two scenes that show more of the sexual tension - one of which is positively explosive. We get a brief shot of a softer side of Barrons than we previously had, making me think that Barrons isn't so tough and unemotional afterall. Anyone expecting gratuitous sex is going to be disappointed. From the sparks flying, I don't see how KMM can keep it from happening in the next book though. There is more than enough fodder in this book to keep my fever going for the next year while waiting for the next installment. I was hoping for at least an excerpt, but it wasn't forthcoming. SPOILER: It appears that V'lane sifts Mac away before she can meet the druids. I wonder why he chose that exact moment? Very intriguing. We also now know what Barrons is not, but gives a few ideas as what he could be.

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